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I hope that underground concepts and music will be gradually accepted by more people in China,  every existing music genre to be equally developed.



DJANEMAG CHINA: How long have you been in music?

IVY WEI : 18 years.

DJANEMAG CHINA: What would people be surprised to learn about you?

 IVY WEI :  I don’t know what people think about me

DJANEMAG CHINA: How much better has the industry got for female DJs?

IVY WEI :  Well, there is no difference between male DJ or female DJ for me , the only difference is if they are professional or unprofessional.

DJANEMAG CHINA: How would you describe the aesthetic of your mixes? How many hours do you usually spend selecting music? What influences your choice?

IVY WEI :  I think dj is like a storyteller, I’m a storyteller when I’m at my work. from the start to the end of the first song, Whether you can bring others into your world depends on whether your story is beautiful or not.  I usually spend like 8hours or maybe even longer sometimes to listening to the music or producing . When I choose a track , I’m looking for the sound Sound quality, that is the most important .

DJANEMAG CHINA: What are your favorite clubs you've performed in?

IVY WEI :  Buddha Bar dubai and EXIT China .